Monday, June 1, 2009

Creeps in vans!

I had to put my driving classes on hold for a while since we traveled but I've now resumed and I had a class at noon.

I'm too lazy to call a cab and wait under the unbearable Dubai sun at 1:30 in the afternoon so I usually walk (yes, the unbearable Dubai sun seems less powerful when I walk, go figure) to get to a main road where I can catch a cab in just a few minutes; seconds even.

To put things in perspective, my driving school is located in what is called an industrial zone. As the name suggests, it is neither a residential area or a business hub (offices and stuff)... It's just huge warehouses, big trucks and mostly empty, sandy-dusty roads (my once-black, now-white tennis shoes speak for themselves). The driving schools are located there because there isn't much traffic and these are the only areas where learners are allowed to train.

So why wouldn't I wait in the school for the taxi?

Well simply because I would be the only woman sitting there, in the middle of this smelly so-called waiting room which is basically a few benches, too close to each other for my taste.

I had walked once before and found a cab very quickly not so far away, near the main road, so I figured, why not do it again...

Well, NOT ladies, NOT!
(And maybe even guys)

I started walking and after a little while I noticed a suspicious white van with apparently only the driver inside, approaching my way. The creep slowed down when he saw me and got his head out of the window to take a better look.

my creepy van doesn't exactly look like that; it was white, granted, but it might as well have had "Free Candy" written all over it because this is how it felt like! pervs!

I ignored him but his speed was so freaking suspicious that I took my phone out and released the keylock. After he passed by and was behind me, I looked back and saw him turning around and now driving in my direction again. I knew he was following me because he kept looking and smiling and just turning around me slowly.

I kept thinking "it's a van! there's no one around! he can knock you unconscious and hide you inside and no one would ever know!"

So I started to freak out!

Thankfully, a few cars were passing by at this point so I began shouting.

I saw his creepy face out of the window, smiling! The perv was still freaking smiling at me, driving as slowly as I was walking!! Following me!!

I started making big gestures with my arms and hands, showing him the phone and shouting, making myself clear that if he comes any closer, I am calling the cops.

As I was gesticulating like a crazy person, my driving instructor passed by me in her car... She stopped and picked me up... THANK GOD! She dropped me off only a few meters away, at the nearest bus station on the main road, where, as expected, I waited for less than a minute before a cab passed by.

I got home safely. Physically. Emotionally, I think I am still a bit freaked out, but I'll get over it.

So, yes, lesson learned:

no walking in industrial zones, alone...
or ever for that matter!

. S H A R E . T H I S . P ✮ S T .


L'épice said...

pfff... y'a des pervers partout!! c'est dingue!!! qu'ils aillent se faire du plaisir tout seuls en foutant la paix aux gens, bordel!!!

bon, sinon, t'as appris ta leçon et... tu t'y tiens! merci.

et au pire, si ça se reproduit, tu le prends en photo avec ton tél et tu l'envoie à quelqu'un. et tu lis sa plaque d'immatriculation au téléphone à quelqu'un aussi. ça devrait tellement le faire flipper! hinhinhin!! oui, je suis sadique des fois! :D

rouba said...

Qu'ils aillent se faire foutre tu veux dire... Don't be shy; They're not! Ass holes!

Et la photo, la plaque d'immatriculation, tout ça, oui oui, je le sais, mais quand t'es en plein dans le truc, tu réfléchis plus aussi rationnellement que tu le voudrais. Tout ce que je voulais, c'était appeler la police si il s'approchait trop et je ne voulais pas ralentir ou être déconcentrée en me fixant sur quelque chose comme noter sa plaque, etc. Hady m'a dit d'appeler la police dans tous les cas, et j'y ai pensé mais après je me suis dit, si il se casse je devrais me retrouver à donner un rapport au flics et je ne sais quoi... Dans tous les cas, j'étais prête à lui fracasser le nez avec mon portable (qui est assez grand et solide, pas comme les nouveaux petits trucs merdiques qui cassent pour des riens) et à lui foutre mon pied en plein dans les couilles si il se décidait à descendre de la voiture. Sadique you said? :-P hihihi!!

Mais bon, oui, j'ai appris ma leçon... :-P